social media manager, blogger, and content creator
DIY Natural All-Purpose Cleaning Spray
While we lived with grandparents (and parents), I kept thinking about the day we would finally be in our own place so I could start living as eco-friendly as possible. One thing about being an adult is getting excited for weird things like organization and DIY cleaning products. Surely I am not alone! There’s just something special about an eco home. In our rental, we tried our best (only produced 7 bags of trash a year and used “eco-friendly” products) but I wanted to take it the next step. This meant no paper towels, no tissues, no makeup wipes, and no more purchasing cleaning products that I could make (which is pretty much all of them)!
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So the journey really began. I stocked up on glass bottles, which if you’re US based, you can purchase here. And I set out to make my own DIY natural all-purpose cleansing spray with what I had at home. You’re going to be shocked at how easy this recipe is.
Here’s what you need to make your own DIY citrus cleaning spray:
✧ Let sit for up to 7 days (minimum 3 days) in a cool, dark place – Shake the jar every day if you remember
✧ Strain the vinegar into your spray bottle
✧ Toss out the peels (or even better, put them in your insinkerator/garbage disposal to clean the inside of your sink & freshen it up)
✧ Optional: add in water to fill your spray bottle or if your vinegar is too strong you can add water
✧ Store in a cool, dark place and use on everywhere from your kitchen to your bathroom
** Extra tip… Enjoy the fruit first! To create even less waste, make this from orange and lemon peels you would have otherwise just thrown away.
If you learned something new and enjoyed this blog, don’t forget to like me on Facebook and follow me on Instagram. I would love to see your homemade DIY cleaning sprays you make so tag me so I can reshare!
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