social media manager, blogger, and content creator
Managing Multiple Instagram Accounts
Do you have multiple Instagram accounts that you want to manage more easily? Maybe you have an account for your business and a personal account. Or maybe your kid or your pet has an account. Or maybe, all of the above! Today you’re going to learn how to manage and store multiple accounts on Instagram.
Check out the instructions below for how to add another account to your Instagram:
Go to your profile, click the burger menu (the three lines in the top right-hand corner), and tap on settings.
Scroll to the very bottom and tap “Add Account.”
Then, add your other account(s) by username and password. You can add up to 5 Instagram accounts at a time. If you run out of space, just logout of one of the accounts and add the new one.
To get between both profiles, hold down your profile picture in the navigation bar to view all connected accounts, then click on the profile you would like to switch to. You can go to your profile, click on your username at the top, and select which profile you’d like to go to.
Sharing a post in several places
Switching between your accounts
Besides easily being able to switch between accounts (which saves time logging in and out of accounts with different passwords), you can also share one post to several different accounts. When you’re making your Instagram post directly onto your profile (a grid post not a story), you’ll see the option to post to other Instagram accounts that you’re looking into also. With your business account, which you can learn how to set up here, you can also post directly to your linked accounts (twitter, tumblr, and Facebook).
Did you like this tip for creating and managing several different Instagram accounts? You can learn more in our FREE social media discussion & learning Facebook group! Join here. You can also receive more free tips and tricks as well as a monthly content calendar (with hashtag suggestions), by signing up for our newsletter below.
If you enjoyed reading this and would like more information on home, lifestyle, advice, tips, tricks, and more, follow me on Instagram @Its.Mary.Taylor and on Facebook at Mary Taylor! I can’t wait to see you there!
Signing off,
Mary Taylor <3
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